Today at ORU was the "Welcome" Chapel for all new students and their families. I have moved into my dorm, and get along great with the girls on my floor.
After Chapel, my parents and I drove about 20 minutes away, to check out an address of a person who was possibly my step dad Steve's cousin Paula who he lost contact with 20 years ago. We pulled in the driveway, and as Steve was about to knock on the door, a young man opened with a "Who the heck are you?" expression. His mom followed and Steve recognized her almost immediately. He got all excited when he said, "Hi I'm Steve, your cousin."
We had been nervous about how the meeting would go, as no one had seemed to have contact with her in a very long time. But she squealed with excitement and gave him a hug. We sat in her dining room with her for a good two hours, and she and Steve got all caught up. She said at the end of the visit, "There's some people I need to give a call to reconnect."
When we left Paula's house my mom and Steve both needed to get some new sandals. So we stopped at DSW shoes. It was a fun visit for me, and even better, we got Italian food for dinner afterwards.
After Italian food, the parents went to church with me at Victory Christian Center, right across the street from campus. We were all suprised, and my mom and step dad were ecstatic, when we found out the church was having a guest speaker, their favorite preacher, Keith Moore.
When I got home from the service, the girls on my floor were having a party in the largest room. It was half an hour of being silly and singing loudly and over-dramatically while flailing...ehem..dancing around.
Overall, Sunday was a very memorable and fun way to spend my 2nd day on campus.
Yum...Zio's. Good times!