It's hard to believe I have been living in Tulsa for almost 9 months. Next week is finals week, and then my first year at Oral Roberts University will be over. In just two more years I will be a licensed social worker.
May 5 we will have 6 days of missions prep called, "Ropes". Then 1 free day, and then May 12 I will be flying off to Uganda.

When I was moving away from Oregon, some people told me I didn't have what it takes to move away from my parents. They said I would give up and be moved back by Christmas. I will admit I was nervous. The longest I had ever been away from home was 3 weeks. Now I have been living on my own 9 months, and in that time I have been able to accomplish a life long dream of going to Africa (by the way, I just got all my vaccines last week).
Since I was a little girl, I wanted nothing more than to get out and change the world. Now I am doing it! There is so much that I have done, so much I have seen, and so much I have learned. So many experiences I never would have had if I had stayed in Oregon.

I will be able to use the internet briefly once a week in Uganda, and will try to post some updates then. But last week I got a special treat in the mail, from my Oregon pal Melody, that will be very helpful. She sent me a travel journal that she had been holding onto for two years, which God told her to give to me. I plan on writing down every tid bit through out the day in that journal, and I will have a whole bunch to write in the blog when I return to the USA.
June 12 I return, and will be living on campus, and taking a few summer classes. Then come August, I will be starting internships for my degree. This week I met my next year's roommate. She is very laid back, talkative, and adventurous, just as I am, and I could see us becoming good friends....and possibly having some fun adventure together. I have confirmed I am coming to Oregon in December, partly because I could not get out of jury duty. (Kinda sorta hoping I end up being on a high profile jury case.) I am looking at possibly publishing two books within the next year, and my friend is helping me to get a better job so I can try raising some of the funds for that venture.
Yes indeed, lots of fun stories to come very soon!
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